The Episcopal Church in Northern Cambria County, PA
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We invite you to worship with us.

We hope you will decide to visit us at Sts. Thomas and Luke's in the hope of finding spiritual nourishment and companionship here. May you feel at home with us, and have a sense of expectancy and joy as you join our worship service.

As Episcopalians -- The American branch of the world-wide Anglican Church -- we look to scripture, tradition, reason, and experience as authority for our faith and worship. We are a 'bridge church' between the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches.

Our service follows the 'Book of Common Prayer'. If you need help following our service, ask a neighbor and they will be happy to assist you.

Our life of Worship is centered in the Holy Eucharist, and we encourage you to join us in receiving Communion. In our tradition, the wafer and cup is offered to each baptized person. You may choose to sip directly from the offered cup, or you may intinct (dip) your wafer into the cup. If you wish to receive a blessing instead, stand or kneel at the rail with your arms crossed so your wish will be known.

Sts. Thomas and Luke's, Patton  --Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh